產品介紹Manticore-User's manual
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Manticore-Driver for Windows V25
DOWNLOADManticore-Driver for Windows V25 Download
Manticore-Driver for Windows
DOWNLOADManticore-Driver for Windows
We have some problems with your product. I need a service manual to check for potential problems, so can repair it ourselves.
Unfortunately, we do not provide technical manuals to end users, you can contact customer support for assistance.
I bought a Manticore keyboard, for some reason every time I turn on my computer, I have to unplug and plug in both USB cables again, why is this?
Test the Manticore keyboard on a different computer or another USB port to see if the problem is the same. If not, there is a problem with your USB port of laptop. Update the driver of the USB controller. Plug both USB connectors of the Manticore keyboard into different USB ports in the computer.
The macro keys do not work after I assign the function on the additional buttons, why?
Test the Macro key to see if it works Word/Excel file or not. It may be you did not set it up properly or the button is broken if it does not work. Try to set the Macro key to other buttons, but if it still does not help, the old program could cause this issue as well, try to download the latest driver on our website.
There is a problem with the assignment of macro buttons (G1-G5) on the start of programs and applications - it always starts as triple clicking, how to solve this?
Download the firmware to update it. The instruction file is also in it.
What is your global warranty on your products?
Unfortunately, we do not offer global warranty on our products.