We have some problems with your product. I need a service manual to check for potential problems, so can repair it ourselves.

Unfortunately, we do not provide technical manuals to end users, you can contact customer support for assistance.

I hav Lychas and the plastic on the left snaped while I was wearing them and now there is a problem with them. Can the waranty do something about this?

Make sure you have kept the receipt/invoice and return it to your retailer or contact customer support for assistance.
Your warranty is one year from the date of purchase.

How to enable 7.1 channel audio output setting for HS-G680?

Remind to update your sound card driver to latest version and install HS-G680 driver. Then launch GX-Gaming audio Center App and right click on speaker icon to enter setting => tick “enable 7.1 virtual speaker shifter” option.

What is your global warranty on your products?

Unfortunately, we do not offer global warranty on our products.