SW-G5.1 3500

Přehled produktu

We have some problems with your product. I need a service manual to check for potential problems, so can repair it ourselves.

Unfortunately, we do not provide technical manuals to end users, you can contact customer support for assistance.

What is your global warranty on your products?

Unfortunately, we do not offer global warranty on our products.

I tested the speakers using the Windows 10 sound test and all speakers work but only the two front speakers work when listening to anything without the subwoofer. The center speaker also makes a loud buzzing noise, why?

Download the latest sound card driver for your laptop, it is most likely a sound card driver problem, and check your speakers again.

Can I connect the SW-G5.1 3500 to an amplifier? If so, is there a certain one that works best with it?

If you connect the speaker system to a amp with more power output than the speaker, you will damage the speaker.