SW-G2.1 3000

Přehled produktu

We have some problems with your product. I need a service manual to check for potential problems, so can repair it ourselves.

Unfortunately, we do not provide technical manuals to end users, you can contact customer support for assistance.

I tested the speakers using the Windows 10 sound test and all speakers work but only the two front speakers work when listening to anything without the subwoofer. The center speaker also makes a loud buzzing noise, why?

Download the latest sound card driver for your laptop, it is most likely a sound card driver problem, and check your speakers again.

I just purchased this system but the right speaker sounds fuzzy, what can I do?

The speaker control unit or speaker have a defective right port. The only way for us to know for sure is to have you send it back to us or the original store for replacement service. Contact customer support for assistance.

The SW-G2,1 3000 sound comes only out the left speaker even when doing surround testing. If I place the right speaker cable into the left output, it becomes the louder speaker, why?

The control box is broken.
For replacement, if in/out of warranty, contact customer support for assistance.

I bought SW-G2.1 3000 speakers, why does it keep turning off automatically?

1.If there is no audio input (smartphone or PC, does not mean your control box unit)and the input level is less than the set value of 15 mV /1KHz, the speaker will go into standby mode after 5 seconds; when higher than 15 mV /1KHz, the speaker will start working. You should make sure the volume is slightly up.
2.If the LED light is in a cycle of flashing quickly by one second and being off by 3 seconds, that means the speaker is in standby mode. You need to increase the input source of volume over 50% to wake it up. The Standby Mode cannot be changed or turned off.

I have SW-G2.1 3000 speakers. I was wondering what is the difference between base and volume of the SW-G2.1 3000 vs. the SW-G5.1 3500? Also if I were to purchase these two model speakers, can I combine the speakers?

You cannot combine the two speaker systems because their output power is different.
SW-G2.1 3000s satellite output power is 15 Watts, SW-G5.1 3500 is 10 Watts. If you changed the satellite, your speaker system would be damaged.

There is no power for SW-G2.1 3000, where I can buy control unit separately?

Contact our customer support nearby for assistance.

What is your global warranty on your products?

Unfortunately, we do not offer global warranty on our products.