Přehled produktuGila-Driver for Windows V3.08
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Gila-Driver for Windows
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Gila-User's manual
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We have some problems with your product. I need a service manual to check for potential problems, so can repair it ourselves.
Unfortunately, we do not provide technical manuals to end users, you can contact customer support for assistance.
When I use gaming mouse in FPS game, the mouse jolts sometimes. Why?
The mouse jolts on some surfaces, use the bundled mouse pad to solve this problem.
Gila is not moving but lights are on and my computer recognizes it and all the buttons work.
If the backlight is on and th computer recognizes it but the cursor does not move, it may be the sensor problem.
Contact your retailer for exchange if under warranty.
The macro keys do not work after I assign the function on the additional buttons, why?
Test the Macro key to see if it works Word/Excel file or not. It may be you did not set it up properly or the button is broken if it does not work. Try to set the Macro key to other buttons, but if it still does not help, the old program could cause this issue as well, try to download the latest driver on our website.
How do I assign mouse buttons (Left/Middle/Right and so on) to macros?
The mouse buttons cannot be assigned to Macros.
Mouse was working well before updating to Windows 10. I cannot change or modify my macros, or the sensibility, etc., in the Gila software. I tried to download the new version of the driver, but it still does not work. Why?
Go to our website to download the firmware. If problem is the same after updating, contact customer support for assistance.
I installed the Gila driver and it was still not working. When I finished adding macros, nothing happened after I pressed Apply. What to do?
Go to our download section to download the firmware. After you update the firmware but the problem is the same, contact customer support for assistance nearby.
How can I add keyboard keys to the left button?
You cannot assign keyboard keys to the left button directly. Record keyboard keys in a Macro first, and appoint the left button to others, and then you could add the Macro to the left button instead of the function you want.
I am trying to assign the left button, but I cannot, it tell me The Left Button Function Must Be Selected what do I do?
Assign the left button to others first, and then you can assign features to the left button.
I have a Gila mouse, but the backlight does not work on the buttons. I upgraded the firmware in the mouse but it ends with an error. The mouse shows only three lights turned on DPI indicator.
The updated firmware failed and caused data lost.
Go to our website to download the application (not driver). Click application - choose version 38 to download.
If it does not work after updating the firmware, it has failed, you must update the program again. Use an extra mouse to update the firmware after you plug Gila into your USB.
Why does Gila always disconnect with the PC?
This device works fine in Window even if you do not install the driver. Switch to another PC or laptop to verify if it is working.
If it is not working after you tried another device, the USB cable is damaged and you can contact customer support.
What is your global warranty on your products?
Unfortunately, we do not offer global warranty on our products.